How often is it that when you ask someone how they are, that the answer is ‘tired’ ‘weary’ or ‘knackered’?
For me anyway, pretty common.
‘TATT’ - Tired All The Time is a hugely common reason people visit the GP in this country and can sometimes be due to certain illnesses.
But often, it’s lifestyle.
When many people describe themselves as ‘tired’ what they are describing is drained, low energy or mental fatigue. Not physically tired in the way human bodies are designed to be.
So often, a simple solution is to exercise regularly.
Getting your heart rate up, getting those endorphins actually GIVES you energy. Often you also sleep better too which in turn, also boosts your mood.
Of course, if you are overtraining or under fuelling this can cause fatigue too and of course if you are worried you should speak to a professional.
But if you evaluate your lifestyle honestly.....are you getting your 150 minutes per week of exercise that gets you out of breath?
Are your kids getting the 60 minutes of physical exercise a day that is optimal for their health and development?
If not, don’t panic. Start small, just a few minutes here and there and build up. Make it a priority and schedule it into your day.
Anna x
Anna graduated from King’s College London with a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy in 1999 and has worked in a variety of roles in the NHS, Private Practice and Sports across the UK.
She has 17 years experience in Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy and continues her education by attending regular courses, which includes the completion of a Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Physiotherapy through the University of Bath.
Anna believes strongly in educating and empowering patients to help them manage their own conditions by combining rehabilitation programmes alongside any hands on treatment, adjusting and monitoring training loads as appropriate and also looking at lifestyle issues which may be contributing to your condition.
Anna has experience in a huge variety of sports from amateur to elite and worked at both London 2012 in a multi sport role, and at Rio 2016 with the Bronze medal winning Wheelchair Basketball team.