Hello there,
I hope you're all keeping well. I just thought I'd drop a quick update to let you know how current operations are with the Physiotherapy and Yoga bookings at present.
I am offering appointments both online and face to face for physiotherapy but please be aware capacity is reduced at the current time due to allowing 30-minute gaps between patients.
It is not possible to book face to face online currently as we need to ensure a gap is left between appointments to allow thorough cleaning and to ensure no crossover of patients.
To reassure my patients, if you are booked in for a face to face appointment, PPE will be worn during your appointment and you will be required to wear a mask, this is for your safety and mine. You will also be required to complete a COVID screening/consent form prior to your appointment.
Yoga sessions remain online until the guidance on groups indoors changes. Classes are 6:30pm Tuesday and 08:00am Friday.
Please get in touch via email at anna@acphysio.co.uk or by phone on 07810 182876.
Kind Regards
Anna Curnow